What the Bible says, God, says. The foundation of what we know to be true about the Bible is the inspiration or expiration of Scripture. It comes to us from God.
2. The Trinity
God is one and God is three. There is a plurality within the Godhead but the three persons are one in unity. May we be led to worship our triune God as we seek to understand Him in His trinitarian nature. Praise the Father, praise the Son, and praise the Holy Spirit.
3. God
If we want to know God and see His glory His character, His person must be revealed to us. Moses asked God to see His glory but Moses heard more than He saw. He saw the back of God but He heard a beautiful, glorious declaration of God’s character. This is our God.
4. Christ
Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, truly God and truly man.
5. The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is personal and not a force. He is a person who has intellect, emotions, and a will.
6. Sin
All people are guilty before God because of sin. Sin affects every part of our being so that we are without excuse.
7. The Atonement
At the heart and core of biblical Christianity lies the important teaching of the atonement made by Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul wrote: “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures,” (1 Cor. 15:3). The gospel according to Paul included that he gave first place to the historical fact that the sinless, bodily resurrected Christ “died for our sins.”
8. Salvation by Grace
God has always related to His people through grace. There is never anything we could have done to merit a relationship with Him. The covenants, promises made by God to His people, are gracious in nature. God graciously condescends to take us as His own.
9. Justification
Justification is the most crucial question in all of life and all of the Church, because the answer to that question has eternal implications, those being eternity in God’s presence or eternity under his severe judgment. We have to know what God says about this! How do we become legally right with God?
10. Sanctification
Sanctification is the reality of God making us holy. When believers are called “saints,” this means that they are holy ones.
11. The Church
In the New Testament, the church is designated by a Greek word that means “called out ones.”
12. Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual gifts are abilities that the Holy Spirit bestows on believers. These gifts are not to be confused with simply natural talents. The spiritual gifts are given by God and cannot be reproduced by the world or natural, unregenerate man.